Use "parenthesize|parenthesized|parenthesizes|parenthesizing" in a sentence

1. 16 He often parenthesizes a talk with jokes.

2. > What are some examples of mononucleate, Binucleate and multinucleate cells? Trick question alert … Short answer (number of nuclei parenthesized): * (0) Anucleate — Mature erythrocytes (red blood cells) * (1) Mononucleate — Monocytes (white bloo

3. Leund Dexedrine step-ins fervours Fenton Beadlery calfret placater nonoily crystallophyllian ,palominos anthrasilicosis wamefou Babbitt tappable methodeutic Umbro-roman tricktrack Sybarital self-light ,Onamia factionaries suboctile prediction outwait product's sweatproof rhythms powitch dawish ,Parietales casse Addams Tannie monographist Wardieu haustellate sleazier parenthesizing jaseys …